Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blog 09

1) Thesis- A statement, a fact that you are later trying to prove in an essay.
For example, if you chose a topic on children and the internet. Your thesis can be,
The internet is dangerous for children to use.
Then explain why. Back up your statement with facts to prove your thesis.
2) Research- A search for facts on a topic. A search for knowledge, enlightenment. While researching topics you can use the internet or books. You can search for biographies, topics, terms, quotations etc…
3) Argument- A verbal altercation, dispute, disagreement. An exchange of verbal opposition.
4) Claim- To establish something is true or factual, a right to something. “He claimed his property”
5) Reasons- To agree with someone, a cause, belief, action, conclusion. “The reason why this happened is because….”
6) Evidence- An indication, Proof of an action.
7) MLA citation- Acknowledge information used in a research paper by writing author’s name, title, page.

For the media midterm assignment we are being asked to investigate the phenomenon of television and the effects it may have on children. We must research the demographics of these towns and the type of programming that existed during that time. We must compare and contrast children who watched a lot of T.V to those who did not have access to the T.V.
In my opinion I think there is a huge difference between children who are glued to the T.V then to those who don’t. Instead of watching T.V I think parents should keep their children occupied by doing educational and productive activities. Watching too much T.V can affect the mind in a negative way, especially young minds. It can lead to lack of vocabulary, education, laziness and even obesity. I think this midterm is going to require a lot of research and statistics. I am going to look for information on the internet, magazines, news articles, books, etc…

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