Thursday, March 11, 2010

Allegory of the cave

The Allegory of the Cave explains how the prisoners mistaken what they see and where they are placed as reality. In the book Socrates puts prisoners in front of a wall and displays shadows on the wall, So the prisoners can realize that there is more out there than what they see. The prisoners don't notice that what they see on the wall is actually what's going on behind them. One of the prisoners makes an attempt to escape and when he is finally free, he is scared of what he sees because everything is new to him. If all his life he was standing in front of a wall, how can he possibly survive in the real world? I think Socrates wants to show how it's not about the situation you are put in it's about how you can get out of it. To Plato it's not about the material world, it's about ideas and the way of thinking.

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