Monday, March 22, 2010

Are they out to get you?..0.o

The Truman Syndrome is a mental illness in which people believe their lives are being watched. Those who suffer from the "Truman Syndrome" believe their every move is being monitored just like in the movie. I find it interesting that after the movie came out people are suddenly feeling as if their lives are being recorded. I mean, I know there might have been a mental illness similar to this before but what I'm trying to figure out is, after the movie came out, how is it that people are suffering from this delusion? It makes me realize how much people let the media control their mind. If the movie never came out would their ever be a such thing as the Truman syndrome? This reminds me of a discussion we had in today's class about the sapir whorf hypothesis and how language comes before thought. If you don't have the word for it then you don't think it.
I think people might feel as if their life is being recorded because now in days many people want to become famous. Reality shows have become so popular and the people who get on these shows are regular people who eventually became famous. So when others see that, they believe they can be in a show as well. I read an article about the Truman Syndrome on I think it's a legit site because it has links to other sites that are related to this topic.

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