Thursday, March 11, 2010


After watching the movie The Truman Show I noticed how it relates to the world we live in. In the movie Jim Carey plays as a character named Truman and his whole life is a T.V show. He doesn't figure it out until he's in his mid age and realizes his whole life is a set up. The people who are running the show (Christof) have total control of Truman's life. From the moment he was created he was recorded. Sometimes it's hard not to feel the same way as Truman. In a world where everything is through technology and privacy is limited it's hard not to feel as if everyone knows about you or who you are. With things like the internet and cell phones anyone can be able to track you and find out information about you. The question is, How can we stop letting devices like the cell phone from controlling our lives?
This reminds of one point of the movie when Christof says "He could leave at any time. If this were anything more than a vague ambition, if he was absolutely determined to discover the truth, there is no way we could prevent him" I think it's a matter of realizing your reality and figuring out whether you are comfortable with it or not. If you are unsatisfied with reality then you have the power to change it. Life is what you make it. Truman put his mind on changing his "reality" and made an effort. I think this relates to people in prison "career criminals". The prisoners who's been in jail for a long time don't know anything about the outside world, only what they hear.
They adapt to the life as a prisoner and when they have the chance to be free, they commit another crime and go right back in. It's scary for them to go back out on their own when all they know is life in jail. With Truman he had the choice to stay in his "prison" or escape and live a normal life in an unknown world. After he realizes his whole life was a set up he makes an effort to escape even if it caused him to lose his life. Truman succeeded and moved forward, he didn't let anything get in his way. He was strong willed and he figured out what was best for him. With that type of ambition I believe you can over come any obstacle.


  1. Do you think everyone has the opportunity to change their lives? I think some know that they want a different life but its almost impossible to get there because their are preventable forces much like Truman had. He made it but barely.

  2. to what Chris said I think its some sort of fate. Like Neo was saying he doesn't beleive in fate because he wants control over his life. But there is free will, and regardless if you go to point A,B,C or A to C you are still going to get to "C" Ash Truman did have a choice and he choice the right one (in my eyes) I think if you put your mind to it, you can do just about anything.
